Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Day Ends Now

I observed,
I examined,
I scratched,
and went deep
and I found something inside,
very new and shimmering,
hatched a moment ago.
‘What are you?' 
I asked it curiously
and It whispered softly
“I am a lie”
That vexed me.
“How come are you lying here?”
“Who told this?”
“Who put it inside?”
It whispered - “The day”
"The one who is about to end."
"The one who did this",
"The one you are taking pity on".
"When it lived for one purpose-"
"send you to the depths of Hades."
and the lie vaporized,
as if it never existed,
and became a part of the air ,
where I stood and breathed.
I turned back to the Day,
and looked into it’s eyes.
nothing but silence came from it.
The day in turn,
looked away at the clock,
praying inside to die soon,
and save oneself from the shame.
I knew its thoughts,
I knew the meanings of the stares.
"Should I empathize?"
Or, should I be a creature of this circumstance?
I kept mum.
But walked toward the self pitying day.
And said
“Don’t worry”
“You will be remembered”
“For both good and the bad”
“And in this moment of your end,
May peace be with you.”
"Just make the dawn  of tomorrow
Fall with the same grace,
as I have bestowed upon you now.” 

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