Thursday, July 28, 2016

2016 - The year of Monkey

What a year!!
This is the first time I am calling a year as "WTF"!
It never happened.
Even during whole of school, Jr. College. My terrible coaching for engineering (something that  I didn't pursue). So many entrances. Be it medical, engineering, architecture and others which I dont remember.
Then  the struggle to understand commerce concepts. Internship struggles and terrible neighbors during student days.
Nothing bothered me much. I always knew its gonna work out. Things will improve. I will improve.
But this year. Ohh My!!

I will remember it. Wonder recalling it. I might laugh at it later. 2016!

The year when I started  to actually think. Until here, I thought that I was making choices but  I didn't. I just went with the flow.

Now,the time has changed. I am changed. Took me so many years to finally come at this stage.

I hope I am not too late to  evolve far beyond!!    

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The great Himalaya

There is something oddly pleasant about the mountains.
The heartfelt delicacies, Smiling faces, untiring leg muscles, love for life
while living at the edges and how simple their questions are.

Monday, May 16, 2016


When trees pause to think,
flowers bloom.
And look at our foolish desire,
The moment something fragrant emerged,
we chopped its neck off.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A friend

We share the lunch time together. She isn’t in the canteen food. So she brings her tiffin with her. Nice round plastic box, having few chapatis and sometimes vegetables too. Thanks to her, I get home cooked meal, every now and then.
 Deepti, that’s her name. A senior to me in office, but a friend once we are off the table.
The conversations we make during tiny breaks, goes from, something funny in office, a gossip, to her marriage and her life before getting married in Mumbai, a city she loves till date and then she talks about me and listens to whatever I have to say.
She is definitely more experienced but when she smiles, it’s like a child with a new toy, each time.
I find so much to learn from her.
From that heartfelt smile to cooking a great meal for an unexpected guest.
A lot to learn.
A lot to remember.

And a lot to be thankful for.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Time to Let it go

It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.

Forgive and Forget

I forgive the tears I was made to shed, I forgive the pain and the disappointments, I forgive the betrayals and the lies, I forgive the slanders and intrigues, I forgive the hatred and the persecution, I forgive the blows that hurt me, I forgive the wrecked dreams, I forgive the stillborn hopes, I forgive the hostility and jealousy, I forgive the indifference and ill will, I forgive the injustice carried out in the name of justice, I forgive the anger and the cruelty, I forgive the neglect and the contempt, I forgive the world and all its evils… I also forgive myself. May the misfortunes of the past no longer weigh on my heart. Instead of pain and resentment, I choose understanding and compassion. Instead of rebellion, I choose the music from my guitar. Instead of grief, I choose forgetting. Instead of vengeance, I choose victory. I will be capable of loving, regardless of whether I am loved in return, of giving, even when I have nothing, of working happily, even in the midst of difficulties, of holding out my hand, even when utterly alone and abandoned, of drying my tears, even while I weep, of believing, even when no one believes in me… So it is. So it will be.

To My Wife

To My Wife by Oscar Wilde.
(Just few favorite lines of my brother) 

I can write no stately proem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair,
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land,
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Following are the lines written by Robert Frost. 

Whose woods these are I think I know.   
His house is in the village though;   
He will not see me stopping here   
To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

My little horse must think it queer   
To stop without a farmhouse near   
Between the woods and frozen lake   
The darkest evening of the year.   

He gives his harness bells a shake   
To ask if there is some mistake.   
The only other sound’s the sweep   
Of easy wind and downy flake.   

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   
But I have promises to keep,   
And miles to go before I sleep,   
And miles to go before I sleep. (This para !!!!)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Remembered to breathe

Ohhh hey,
When you fall down from the heights,
To the sorrowful tides,
You better turn back and smile
As you remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
Yes, you remembered.
Remembered to breathe!

Spread & look at your palms, 
Lines crossing for you to give alms,
Of so much laughter and life, 
That the lord himself comes down in wile.
As you remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
Yes, you remembered.
Remembered to breathe!

Roll up the sleeves,
Hold up the hammers,
And make them fall,
On the paired dead angle,

As you remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
You remembered to breathe,
Yes, you remembered.
Remembered to breathe!

Fly above the whole juncture of boozers,
Soaked in them, deep until it’s fallen

Just remember to breathe!!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Law of Conservation of Worries- (Part 1)

अच्छी पढ़ाई और अच्छा नाम दोनों ही कमा लिए थे।आस पास के लोगो के लिए अभी ये शर्माजी के बेटे का काम कर रहे थे।बच्चो को अब इनके नाम से समझाया जाने लगा था। खैर, ये दिन भी आने ही थे। सो पन्ने पलटाये, इन्होने sports पेज की और रुख लिया। ज्यादा शौकीन न थे क्रिकेट के बस खबरो से नजरे फिरा लेते थे। देश का नमक इन्होने भी खाया है। नमकहरामी कैसे करते ? दोस्त इन्हे इनके ही मुल्क से रुखसत न कर देते !
"अरे भाई, क्रिकेट में दिलचस्पी नहीं रखते हो क्या "?
बगल में बैठे सुट्टेबाज ने दम भरते हुए कहा। अख़बार एक था पड़ने वाले तीन।  ये खुद , सुट्टेबाज महाशय, और 'हम आपके है कौन, जनाब'' .
स्पोर्ट्स पेज पर सरसरकार फिसलती नजरो से  सुट्टेबाज महाशय का BP बढ़ गया था। डर गए कही अर्थव्यवस्था  का पेज समझकर पन्ना पलट ना दे।
"अरे भाई किसे नहीं पसंद?" मुह बोले शर्माजी के बेटे ने सिगरेट के धुएं की जबरदस्त झड़ी को उंगलियो के पंखे से दूर करते हुए कहा। " लेकिन, और भी पेजेस है, जरा उनका भी मान रख लेते है, और एक बार उन्हें भी पढ लेते है।"
इसी बीच, अगल में बैठे 'हम आपके है कौन, जनाब '  ख़ामोशी से अख़बार पढने का लुफ्त ले रहे थे। बेफिक्र थे। असली हिंदुस्तानी।
और ये बरखुदार खुद,दोनों के बीच फँसकर  बैठे थे। तर्जनी और अंगूठे से अख़बार भींचे।
अगर दोस्त को लेने आना न होता तो सुबह सुबह कहा भीड़ भद्दके में रेलवे स्टेशन आते। ठंडी का मौसम, ऊपर से स्टेशन का शोर।
गाड़ी को आने में ५-१० मिनट और थे। सोचे थे के मूड कोई गरमा गरम समाचार पढके ही ठीक कर लेंगे। पहले ये ख्याल इन्हे  चाय को लेके आया थे, पर फिर चाय बनती देखी तो सारे स्टेशन में अखबार ही इन्हे सबसे सेहतमंद नजर आया।
वो ख्याल था, वो अख़बार का लेना और फिर एक बैठने लायक जगह का ढूँढना। चंद मिनट इसी में निकल लिए। काफी लोग प्लेटफार्म पर ही निद्रा के आलिंगन में थे। बाकि के कुछ सीटो पर। एक ही कुर्ची खाली थी। सुट्टेबाज और 'हम आप के कौन, जनाब ' के बीच। तब से अब तक, इतना ही वाकया बया करने लायक था।
"गेम खत्म हो गया है ये", सुट्टेबाज महाशय ने फिर प्लेटफार्म की छत निहारते  हुए ज्ञान अर्पण किया।
"Gentlemen's  game!" कश खींचकर। "अब ये कोहली वोहली के चाल चलन है कोई जेंटलमैन के ?"
'हम आपके है कौन, जनाब' अब पूरी तन्मयता से पढ  रहे थे। आँखे छोटी करके। न जाने स्पोर्ट्स पेज में ऎसी कौनसी रहस्मय, तिलिस्मी बातो का जिक्र था जो उन्हे बोधिसत्व ज्ञात हो रही थी ?
तभी गाड़ी आने का एलान हुआ।
बरखुदार ने महसूस किया की स्टेशन वो किसी मकसद से आये थे। इन दो जीवो के बीच सुबह गुजारने के लिए नहीं। अख़बार 'हम आपके है कौन , जनाब ' को देते हुए कहा की, 'लीजिये, मेरा पढ़ना हो गया है।'
ट्रैन धड़धडाते प्लेटफार्म पर आ खड़ी  हुयी। शोर से चीखते इंजन, कसे हुए बोल्ट्स के खिचाव, जर जर  थमता लोहा, हल्के भूकम्प का आभास दे गया था।             \
दोनों मेजबानों को बिना अलविदा किये बर्खुदार ट्रैन की और लपक लिए।
ट्रेन आते ही बिखरी हुई भीड़ बोगियों के पास  पसर गयी।  नजरो के सामने सिर्फ़ ऊँची गर्दनो ने समां पट दिया।
ऊपर टंगी पट्टियों को देख वो खुद को  भीड़ की सुनामी से बचा रहे थे।

दोस्त है इनके एक  - 'happydent' नाम है उनका। बरखुदार उसी के लिए तकलीफ उठा रहे थे।

बरखुदार और happydent की दोस्ती पुरानी है। बारवी  के दोनों ने अलग विषय चुन लिए। बरखुदार ने इंजीनियरिंग में सुख पाया  तो  happydent ने मेडिसिन में।
पढ़ाई  खत्म करके happydent ने फ़ौरन नौकरी पकड़ ली थी। कौन भला वक़्त बर्बाद  करना पसंद करता है आजकल के अफ़लातून ज़माने में ।
नौकरी लगने के बाद वक़्त कम मिलता था , सो दोस्तों से बाते कम हो गयी। और बेचारा करता ही क्या? बरखुदार के साथ भी ऐसा ही हुआ लेकिन कुछ दिनो  के बाद।  तब  तक इन्हे लगता था के happydent अँगरेज़ बनते जा रहा है। अब उन्हें समझा के  घर का बावर्चीखाना बड़ा सेक्युलर है, वो मालिको में जात, पात , रंग , रूप  का भेद  नहीं देखता। वो तो बस पगार से मतलब रखता है।
happydent अछा शागिर्द  तो था ही, अब उम्दा मैनपावर में भी गिने जाने लगा था। बस कुछ ही वक़्त में तीन बार प्रमोशन, बढ़ोतरी और ऊपरी सुख सुविधाये  अलग से।
Happydent काफी महीनो के बाद  आ रहा था। जब भी आता है, तो प्रमोशन की खबर लेके आता है। न जानने इस बार क्या तीर मारा है पठ्ठे ने ?

AC First Tier के बाहर चक्को वाले दो सूटकेस बैठने की जगह पर  रख  खुद बाजु में खड़ा था।
बरखुदार को देख खुश हो गया।  गले मिला और बोला के "भाई, बैग  भारी है, इसलिए सुबह सुबह बुलाया।
"कोई नहीं,  वैसे भी मै सुबह सोने के अलावा करता ही क्या था ? " बरखुदार सूटकेस के वजन का अंदाज़ा लगाये जा \रहा था।
" हाँ कमीने, व्यंगकार बाद में बन, पहले एक बैग उठा, दूजा मै लेता हू।

दोस्ती में कुली बने बैठे तो ध्यान आया की सूटकेस काफी भारी था।

"यार, इतने तोहफे किस लिए भरा है इस नन्हे से सूटकेस में। हमे कह देता हम आ जाते। " बरखुदार से चुटकी लेते रहा नहीं गया।  जवाब में happydent  बस मुस्कुरा दिया।

फिर कहा, " ईसी सिलसिले में बात करनी थी।

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kuch Bheenche Panne

"वजन रख दू!" ऎसा ख्याल  एक आया.
दबा के रख, भींच लु  इस महीन सफेदी को.
और जब खुलकर फैले  ये,
परिमल की भांति,
फिर  तीखी स्याही  से भर दू  ,
ये सारी  सफेदी।  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Chin up! (part1)

As I age further away from my childhood, just like every mortal being, towards the inevitable death, I stand here with an utter awe. Gazing over the surfaces of my memories.
Both enchanted and repelled by sheer variety of them.

In the reminiscence, I walk alongside the strings, touching them with the tip of my fingers. There I see myself as a life abundant with emotions and tremendous passion.

I am happy in some and in others I am sad.

Few had me lying on the ground bruised and in few others, I have bruised strangers.

Oh, here, I could have been died, but I was saved. Saved by the few souls of god, I have in my life.
And then I reached at the tip of the string, a memory of now. Hatched moments ago.

A memory of refusal. A remembrance of holding the breath for a word. A recollection of seconds that changed the understanding of world for me.

And as I breathed again, I ended up emptying my lungs, without uttering a word. The refusal took away my boyishness.

And as I laid down the conversation, I smiled. Ear to ear!

Couldn’t help it.  I was supposed to be sad, but just couldn’t.

I picked my phone up and dialed to all the ones I love! Immediately!

First, My Mom. The Lady. Her graceful eyes and warm smile. I could feel her close to me as she said hello. The sweetest hello! Those dimples over her cheeks with every spreading inch of smile whenever she hears her son’s voice.

Then Father. The real man of steel in my life. With his sturdy voice, he asks the same questions, untiringly. Inquiring for my well being. An entrepreneur, who declares his children as his greatest assets out of all the wealth, name, fame and his possessions.

My stupid little brother. His shaggy hair and baggy shirts. My first ever responsibility and first ever proof that, duties aren’t burdensome just on their own.  My brother! He and his hypnotic, intoxicating stories, which starts from the backyard, and flies over to the moon. Making landings on bare palms. My opposite, as people calls him and I guess, that's what makes an awesome duo.

Then, my sis, the keeper of my secrets. Her endless college stories always  made me curious. Her friends, few bitchy, few nice. Some trustworthy and others, just a passing moment. My ever cherished listener. Being honest around her is a must.

Then, my ever well wisher. My uncle. With his words of wisdom and sharp observations, he mesmerizes my imaginations. Few white strands of hair, are well deserved for the experience he possess. . He makes me wonder at my own ignorance many times. Generation Gap! Na, I found all personalities in him  The critique, The motivator and healer.

And, of course, the one who refused. The source code. The one who inspired me. Made me aware of so many different shades of me. Helped me to understand the value of human relations. Filled me up with so much joy to take the leap of faith. The one who was always there. During the interviews and unsafe pillion seat rides to the drowsy days of moving on and breezy evenings of lazy seating. The Saggi. My ever treasured reader. The precious critique.    

I can talk to them again and  again, fight with them. Agree and disagree. Get angry or feel sorry.
In the end. I guess, I just feel blessed!
My  richness!